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KeepStock Solution Continuum


Grainger’s KeepStock-branded inventory management offer evolved significantly over a five year period of technology development and continuous improvement.

As a result the “portfolio” approach originally utilized to structure individual solutions no longer effectively conveyed the features, benefits and value of KeepStock.


I conceived and designed a “continuum” to convey the full range of solutions available to Grainger customers. Solutions were renamed and a new gear-themed iconography set was incorporated to connect KeepStock to Grainger’s overarching corporate branding and content themes.

Positioning statements and messaging were updated to support creation of new sales enablement tools and marketing materials.


After being introduced as part of a virtual trade show, the new positioning was adopted and integrated across all KeepStock marketing assets and content.

The continuum was subsequently promoted as part of a national campaign via email, direct mail, landing pages and other Grainger owned marketing channels.

You can see more at Grainger’s website.