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Random Thoughts Documented for Posterity

PLEASE NOTE: It's not written for you. It's for me.

It's not written for you. It's for me.

My Feedback

The revolution enabled by the Internet eliminated walls and fences in favor of landmines and trap doors.

Northern Lights

Confession: I own a lot of Christmas lights and if/when I have time in November I like to pull them out of storage and put them on display.

In Memoriam

My brothers granted me the honor to eulogize each of my parents after their death. I’m posting them here because it is some of my best writing—or at minimum, writing I am most proud of.

Mac Ancestory

Ask someone “what was your first car?” and you'll likely get a steady stream of memories. For me, a slight variation prompts similar reflection: "What was your first Mac?"

No Big Brother

We all have daily rituals when it comes to content consumption, but Big Brother is no longer setting the agenda.

Thought Different

While pursuing my MBA, I wrote an investor report on Apple for a finance class.  At the time (2003) Apple's stock was valued at $14...

Instructional Opportunity

When someone asks you for instructions on a task you didn’t assign, be mindful of the opportunity being presented.

Spark THEN Burn

We don't mind sparks. But we are weary of fires.


You can use your income to assess your relative wealth, but it has no relevance in assessing a product’s value or the development of a marketing strategy.

Regret vs Retrospect

In February 2010 then Secretary of State General Colin Powell was asked by “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer if he had "any regrets" endorsing Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign. I remember the interview because I didn't like that question.

Tools – Part Two

It is highly unlikely any of the applicants for your open marketing position have experience with ALL your digital tools. So take care writing your skill requirements.

Tools – Part One

Batman may have a great utility belt, but that’s not what makes him Batman.

Cognitive Quirks

A brain fart is just one of many cognitive quirks that can distract, disrupt, delay and divert our mental productivity. Let's review.

Investing Time

If you are going to invest significant time in something, make certain you have a mechanism or means to evaluate your return.


The challenge with marketing via digital communication is creating content strong enough to overpower everything else beyond our control that contributes to the message.

Unreasonable Request

A man walks into a Ferrari dealership, approaches a salesperson, hands him a picture of a Ferrari Aurea GT and states "I'd like to buy that car today; here's $15,000."

Starting the Rigorous Pursuit

I have a plan for where this whole thing is going, but candidly it could come to a dead end. Regardless I am excited to get started.

Burn Rate

Know your burn rate. It's a simple measure of how fast you consume available resources and it greatly affects your professional and personal future.

Failure 2 Fall

Fear of failure is common. And while it certainly can prevent us from trying, sometimes it prevents us from fine tuning.

¢ontent vs ACCE$$

People will pay for content if it is necessary, irreplaceable and unshareable. Businesses who get excited about the first five words of that sentence don't understand how constraining the next seven are.


If bees and beavers could understand English, they would be insulted by our universal labeling of their behavior as "busy".

Anticipated Abandonment

It is estimated 95 percent of currently hosted blogs have been abandoned. There is a high probability this one will be abandoned as well.